Bradford Morrow – The Nature of My Inheritance (Bibliomystery) Fashion

When Liam Everett’s reverend father passes away in the prime of his life, Liam knows something foul is afoot. Everyone insists that the reverend’s slip down the basement staircase of the church was simply an accident, a misstep. But the reverend knew those steps better than the back of his hand and Liam is sure he would never have been so careless and clumsy. But with everyone happy to accept Revered Everett’s death as a mishap, his son is left to find solace with the legacy his father left behind: sixty antique bibles. But it seems the reverend was more in life—and death—than everyone thought. Soon Liam is surrounded by more priceless books than he could ever have imagined, and the more he reads, the more shady characters keep showing up at his door…
The Nature of My Inheritance is our latest bibliomystery, penned by the wonderful Bradford Morrow.
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Edition | Numbered, Lettered, Paperback |